Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Yeah, that's right, i am yourself!

There is a point we all get to in life when we won't need anyone to tell us if we are on the right track on our life's journey; some of us get to know while most of us never get to. Not because we do not want to but because we unconsciously decide not to by not taking time out to know who we truly are, or trying to understand the spirit in us that's behind the whole concept of life. No action in life is a coincidence even if it appears so, likewise the people in our lives. It's all part of the master plan.
Although when all of the events are unfolding, they aren't very pleasant, yet as I earlier said, they are part of the master plan. How do you explain the people you meet and the roles they play in your life? I am tempted not to say this because most people will find it rather baseless but I am going to say it all the same - the moment you question why people live. Why we are here? And you begin to challenge the status quo, then, and only then is life introduced to self.
You will begin to see some things you never saw or took notice of, like, coincidences or love, and the sequence in which the events of our lives play.

It s about 30 minutes since she we went sleep, I guess that's enough time to make the effect fade away I hope she is fast asleep. I make for the door and open it slightly

I turned at the sound of the door. Looked up and mused within myself
"Guess my life story got him scared, who wouldn't be?"
Every one's got a secret, like the one you tell after a bottle or two.
"But you never had any alcoholic beverage, yet you spilled!"
"No, I didn?t."
"Yes, you did!"
No? No, I didn't. Even if I did, isn't that what I wanted? ; To be open to him, let him into my world? He is my friend after all, my only true friend. I argued within myself
He sits on the bed, right beside me. I asked him if he was upset with what he found out, he said he wasn't that it was his entire fault.
"I should have kept it somewhere else, not in the kitchen cabinet".
That got me all straightened up.
"It's ok, sleem, its having some effect on you, hallucination is one of them, but don't worry it will fade away" He said to me
Now my thoughts begin to haunt me.
I couldn't just reconcile what he was saying to what I think I know. The thoughts must have sneaked in silently, because I didn't notice them enter in their usual way.They crept up subconsciously
"So you see?"
I paused to observe, still it continued,
"Now you see."
That wasn't my thought; it was way too loud to be real. Still it continued,
"See what?" I asked.
"You are mad. Sanely mad"
"There is no such word as 'sanely mad', and please stop 'cos you are getting me confused."
He is still sitting at the edge of the bed while I secretly have this ongoing conversation with my intrusive thoughts
"Didn't u recall the way he looked at you when he entered the room? He was trying hard to make you believe all is well. Isn't that what they do to people who suddenly go loco?"
"I will ask him."
"Oh, you are kidding right? Go on, ask him. That will confirm his fears, get you panicky, and compound the whole picture."
I heard a chuckle and then my strange thoughts say to me, "of course you are not mad, I was just trying to introduce myself, and I guess I was rude."
Now my thoughts have a voice!
Looking at him, he smiled and stood up. Looking down at me, he explained that he will be away for some time, that I will be fine. He also asked if I needed anything. I sure need something, no! One thing: A concise explanation on the concept of existence, which I clearly don't understand anymore.
My thoughts were going gaga
To be continued...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Littlesteps2greatworks: oh I can breathe!

Littlesteps2greatworks: oh I can breathe!: It’s not as flimsy as I thought it was. How can I not be able to breathe? There must be something wrong somewhere. Immediately my mind start...

oh I can breathe!

It’s not as flimsy as I thought it was. How can I not be able to breathe? There must be something wrong somewhere. Immediately my mind started to search my memory bank… my lungs! Isn’t that the respiratory organ? Am sure that’s where the problem lies: this one thought pulled the trigger. My heart started beating hard against my rib cage; the race of fear had just begun! Troops of distorted thoughts were set for the carnival, panic griped my entire being. This went on for a while until the mildest of the thoughts fluttered past; at least you are still BREATHING. ‘Least ‘, I said, but of course that’s the most! This one thought disbanded the multitude of confusing ones that were formally in charge. For the first time in my whole life I was fully conscious of the act of breathing (Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t mean that I never gasped for breathe under the water while learning how to swim, or used a nose mask while doing some dusty chores).An act that’s the main fuel to the human body, yet less considered by so many. Yes. I am still breathing that’s all that matters, though I had to go see the doctor, he explained that my nasal passage was partially blocked, because I was exposed to the cold. This whole experience might sound flimsy or trivia compared to what most people consider as important; like, making enough money to meet basic needs and wants. Might sound crazy, but this is a world where more is seen as less and less is seen as more. When next you are about to growl or kick over life’s issues, stop for a while and be thankful to your creator for being able to breath, and I am so certain that life itself will push in that gentle thought that will make that minute count. NEVER SAY LIFE ISNT FAIR! Not when you can still breathe.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

U call this too, a Gift?

We worry about life so much so that we fail to see and partake in its privileges.
How then should we say, we live, when we are blind to the platform in which it presents itself?
It's just like, giving all admiration to the content in a box wrapped as a gift and non to the paper box and beautifully designed wrap and the ribbons. I am sure most people hardly remember colors of ribbons that mildly hold the pack of gifts they had received. Not even the one loosed three hours ago!
Who cares? U may say it's not worth much compared to the gift itself.
Is it?
Did I hear you correctly? Oh, I am sure I did. You said NO!
But well, I disagree. Yeah, you heard me! I totally disagree. Although, of a lesser worth (monetarily). They are as important as the item wrapped. They are what make it special. That beautiful wrist watch u bought last month isn't a gift. Even if your friend gave u some money and said "buy yourself a beautiful wristwatch as a gift", it still isn't a gift!
Whatever it is, be it expensive, it will never give u the thrill you got while opening the box that contained an inexpensive hair pin your little niece saved up to buy for you. Why? You might want to ask the ribbons or the paper wrap, or the love with which it was carefully picked.
What I am trying to convey is this: take time to appreciate what makes a gift, A GIFT.
We most times say: Life is a gift, yet we treat it like an item we bought for ourselves on someone's behalf and the funniest part is that that someone often turns out anonymous.
If you ever find yourself worrying about life as we often do as humans, pause for a while and remind yourself the first fact about life (you need to know what you worry for),
LIFE IS A GIFT! With this few words I welcome you to LITTLE STEPS 2 GREAT WORKS as we stop to appreciate the trivia that sums up to make each day's picture a complete piece.